Monday 26 March 2012

Find Your Bit of Universe and Other Poems

Find Your Bit of Universe 
(for Geoff) 

Find your bit of universe 

carry it 

blow down it 
see if it’ll hum for you 

see if you can 
blow a tune out 

before it 
sucks you back in 


Only a Little Humming 

No Iliad 
and no Troy to unearth 

only notes 
and small messages from here 
on the edge 
of something else 

broken pieces 
off something 
once complete 
or off something ordinary 
you rub the dirt from 
and it gleams 

no Helens either 
only glimpses 
through the crowd 
of the unknown face 
that briefly unanchors your heart 

no symphonies 
only a little humming 
as if a window’s 
thrown open 
and some music’s 
suddenly coming 

no beginning 
and no real ending 
but then 
just occasionally 
a transcending 


Saturday 24 March 2012

Words for Pete

You do the words, Pete
So who can do them now?
You always lead us from the middle,
Though after the white mice died
I still see your angry fist pounding the wall.

You do the words, Pete
Your words came to me out of London
To clear the gloom of my Eastern mists
Then warm laughter in those cold western times
But Dad’s cigarette ash was still carefully preserved.

You do the words, Pete
A constant presence as we grew,
Apart but still blood bound close,
Laughing at the ghosts in the Thatch
Yet I still felt your fear in that dark place.

You do the words, Pete
I couldn’t even catch the crab for you,
Yet your smile still looks at me,
Your words are still with me,
Your love will stay long after me.

– Gid, March 2012

Friday 23 March 2012

The Bristol Poets Society (for Pete)

It is the golden hour.
The sun bestows its tipsy glow, its love of absolutely everyone.
Backs against the warm wall of the Arnolfini,
the drinkers on the cobbled quay
raise their faces to savour this benediction.
An evening wind ruffles the water, but the people remain calm.
Plastic cups of beer, a few quid left.
Pete says, “Let’s be poets.”
Rog says, “When shall we start?”
Pete says, “We need to experience things first.”
Rog nods.
They sit there for a while, watching the lengthening shadows.
Then Rog says, “Another pint?”
“Good idea,” says Pete. “Get one in before the sun goes down.”

Roger Williams